stylus inspection microscope
Posted: 17 Oct 2024, 12:14
The Ortofon stylus inspection stereoscopic microscope has a 2x objective, and both eyepieces are 10x, so the magnification provided is 20x. It has a reticle pattern in its right eyepiece that allows one to measure the stylus tip protrusion in tenths of a millimeter.
This allows one to observe whether or not the stylus tip is 2,5 mm beyond the bridge, so that the cross-talk of the modulated stereo groove will be at a minimum. If it's significantly greater than 2,5 mm, the collet* might not be fully seated.
The stylus inspection microscope can also manipulate the cutting head in such a way that one can observe the mirror of the stylus and adjust its 'wrap'.
*{The collet of the sapphires and rubies held by an Ortofon DSS series cutting head must have a 3-degree taper and have a 1.1-mm minor diameter (+/- 0,01 mm) and a 1.33-mm major diameter (+/- 0,01 mm). Otherwise, it won't sit correctly in the bridge hole. The collet for the Neumann stylus (e.g., NSH-2S, by Orbray (formerly called, Adamant)) has a 1.2-mm minor diameter and an approximately 1,35-degree taper. So, the Neumann stylus's collet won't fit all the way down inside the Ortofon cutter's bridge hole, which is why there needs to be a different model stylus for it. Transco styli for Ortofon (based on Micropoint model 329SH) used to be sold by Apollo Masters, which closed in early 2020. We are presently working with etec in Denmark to procure precisely made collets that can be used with the Adamant sapphires sold by Orbray, in Japan, who will affix our collets to their nude styli and attach a heater wire. If the collets have the right dimensions, we will offer them for sale using the trade name, ワチューマー Collets™}.